
Series: Student Voices from the Department of Foreign Languages (Fall Semester 2023 Part 4)

  • 2024.02.14
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科

Series: Student Voices from the Department of Foreign Languages (Part 4)

Students in the Department of Foreign Language’s Community Service Learning (CSL) program were asked to share their thoughts about the university. The forth question presented to the students is:

What advice would you like to give to new students?

Student responses are as follows:


I think it’s good idea to get the credits early and in a planned manner. I also think would be a good idea for your child to enjoy traveling and hobbies before the second year of college.



My advice would you like to give to new students focus on time management follow the syllabus. Make friends in class so you have someone to get notes from if you’re absent. Could also create a study group with your peers don’t get in the habit of skipping class Focus on good academic habits, social skills, and balancing priorities. Now is the time to develop skills that will be expected after graduation in your selected career. No matter what your major or discipline of interest, the single most important skill for life success. The most important thing is to connect with your peers and look confident. If you don’t no one will talk to you. Try to initiate conversations and join extracurricular activities.



What advice would you like to give to new students?” I will give some advice to our new students:

  1. Embrace the opportunity: Starting a new chapter in your academic journey can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and explore new subjects and experiences.
  2. Set goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals. Having clear objectives will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your academic journey.
  3. Get involved: Participate in clubs, organizations, or sports teams that align with your interests. It’s a great way to make friends, develop new skills, and enhance your overall college experience.
  4. Enjoy the journey: College is not just about academics; it’s also about personal growth, making memories, and having fun. Enjoy the journey, make the most of your time, and create lasting memories. Remember, everyone’s college experience is unique, so find what works best for you and make the most of this exciting phase in your life!



I would like to give advice to new students please focus on Your class and study and learn how to manage your time Don’t be afraid and do hard work on your project and involve And participate in university programs. Take care of your body. Make friends in university.



When I was a freshman, I skipped taking credits just because I was still a freshman, and now that I’m in my third year, I’m rushing to take them, so I started early so I wouldn’t have to rush in my third or fourth year. I recommend taking units.



My advice would be to move up a grade without dropping any credits. Prioritize tasks, work on your studies, and communicate with friends. Sometimes you need to take a break, so take care of your health.



Be clear about what you want, your efforts will decide what you deserve. Taking part in extracurricular activities is essential; not just to meet new people but also to take a break from class hours. Always be open to meeting and learning from new people Talk to people early in the year because the more time that passes the fewer people are going to want to interact. Focus on time management skills, open communication, and dedicate long hours of reading and hard work. Never fear to open up to instructors or students for advice.



If I have to advise a new student then create opportunities for yourself by getting involved there. Create goals for yourself and focus on achieving those goals. Don’t hesitate to talk to the teacher or in the mass of people. Try to make International friends which makes you learn more about other cultures. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try to do new things which makes you a successful person.



New university students, prioritize time management and set realistic goals. For instance, break down larger assignments into smaller tasks, making them more manageable. Additionally, join study groups or form one yourself to collaborate with peers. This collaborative approach can deepen your understanding and create a supportive academic community.



New students I’m give a situation all new students focus a Japanese language and focus a English language and complete the all homework and task and flow the campus all rules. New student not fill a alone this campus students everyone thinks a friend



I like to advise new students to work hard for coming future and do study well and don’t give up.



Go to class regularly. This is a seemingly simple task but is difficult to do. When students go to university, they must be self-disciplined in all tasks from studying to living. Without family management, the do-it-yourself environment at university creates many students who often “skip” classes, drop out of class, leading to knowledge loss, failing subjects, graduating late, etc.

Read many specialized books. Time in the classroom is not enough for students to absorb and remember all the knowledge, the lecturer is only a guide and conveys the basic content of the subject to you. In addition, students will proactively access different resources for self-study and research.

Plan to win a scholarship. There are many attractive scholarships at university: scholarships from schools, scholarships from foreign governments, etc. You can find your own scholarships by looking up websites that provide scholarship information. reputable. If you have your sights set on a specific school, you can also find information directly from that school’s online website.

Learn more foreign languages. Foreign languages ​​are very important and necessary during the integration period. Rich foreign language knowledge is not only an advantage to help you get a good job from foreign employers but also helps you read many documents, books, and newspapers. ,…in other languages.  

I think if you can do these things, it will be great and your future path will be open. (C.B.さん)


  1. Try lots of things you’ve never done before. You may get a hint to find your career path or realize your hidden potential. 
  2. Communicate actively with students and professors. What you gain by exchanging opinions with people who have various ideas and values will surely be useful for your life in an increasingly diverse society. It is especially interesting to exchange opinions with foreigners.
  3. Engage in many extracurricular activities. This includes club activities, volunteer work, and staffing university events. These activities can be used to write resumes and entry sheets, and to talk about in interviews. It is best to start doing them diligently during your freshman year, rather than rushing into them after the job search has begun.



I think it is important to have various experiences because they will become your strengths. I belong to the school festival executive committee and band club. Belonging to an organization can often be advantageous in job hunting.
