
Student Voices from the Department of Foreign Languages (Part 1)

  • 2021.07.19
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科

Students in the Department of Foreign Language’s Community Service Learning (CSL) program were asked to share their thoughts about the university. The first question presented to the students is:

“How did you choose Nagasaki Wesleyan University (Chinzei Gakuin University)?”

Student responses are as follows:

I chose this university because I was interested in languages and the teachers recommended it to me because it had a good study abroad system. I also took advantage of the special student system, which was good for me financially because the tuition was about the same as a public university even though it was a private university. What impressed me the most was the fact that there were many international students. I thought that even if I couldn’t go abroad to study, I could study the language every day because there were people of various nationalities in the university. For these reasons, I decided on this university.

…I am from Nepal. I finished my bachelor level in Nepal so I decided to come to Japan for international language study. I started my education journey in Nepal so I applied to come to Japan but I don’t have any idea about Japan and Japanese colleges. In order to study international language in Japan, I contacted with my friend who was studying in Japan. He suggested for me join to Nagasaki Wesleyan University to study about international languages. When I applied to Japan for a visa to study, I finally got the visa for Japan to study in Nagasaki. I have only one focus to study in Japan, which is to study international language so I joined the Department of Foreign Languages. I like every place of this university but I especially like the classrooms of Nagasaki Wesleyan University because it is modern class and it helps me to focus on my studies. I would like to suggest all the new students to join this university because they can find a friendly education system here. If you want to study about international languages, please come here.

I have dreamed of becoming a teacher since I was little. So I was looking for a university with a curriculum to become a teacher. At that time I found NWU university. I chose the foreign language department to become an English teacher. There are many wonderful teachers in the foreign language department. Everyday lessons are really fun! The most enjoyable memory of me is Halloween party. My friends and I have become prisoners. I can communicate with international students through dancing and singing. Even if you don’t like English, you can learn Chinese and Korean. I think you can enjoy university life no matter which faculty you choose. Enjoy college life with us!!


The reason why I chose Chinzei Gakuin University is that there are many special scholarship students and many international students. If you can apply for the special student system, you can receive an exemption from tuition fees at a level. Of course, there are fluctuations depending on the grade, but it is possible to continue using the special student system if you do not neglect your studies. Next, I will talk about life with international students. In the class, there is group work with international students, and you can learn new ideas by talking with people from different countries in culture and way of thinking. In addition, I feel that the difference in culture is interesting and I want to know more about overseas. For this reason, I chose Chinzei Gakuin University.


I chose CGU because it has a cozy atmosphere and a lot of international students.

Nagasaki Wesleyan University is the good rules and regulations and good environment. There are lot of international students and professors from different countries available in our Nagasaki Wesleyan University. So that I have entered this university.

When I started thinking of going Japan for further study, I was really wondering about which city to go and how to choose the best college. In this confusion I came to meet a friend who worked for a local language school and had conversion about the different universities. When he started telling about Nagasaki Wesleyan University I think that I must search about this college and all its history through the internet. As I visited the homepage of the University I was interest in it. My friend also said that chances of getting visa is high from this university because of its good reputation and management system. And another important things is that I can join the university after learning the Japanese language. Another important thing to choose this college is its surrounding and really catchy environment around the University. I think that for any student surrounding of the college really make meaning, if it’s cool greenery, every students’ mind will be so cool. After that I choose this college.

I am an international student in Vietnam. The university was introduced by the faculty that Nagasaki Wesleyan University is a school with a focus on language catering toward foreigners and has a lot of kind teachers, with foreign teachers and Japanese teachers teaching very well here.


First of all I want to thank you for giving us an opportunity to share our thoughts about Chinzei Gakuin University. It was never my dream or ambition to study abroad. My dream was to be a professional soccer player but I think it’s my destiny that brought me here in Japan. When I first came here and started learning the Japanese language I never thought of continuing learning the Japanese language as it was new and very tough and I felt helpless sometimes even I was in the way of giving it up but one thing often stuck in my head was the advice of my father that, “once you start anything, don’t give up until you give a 100%, and then if it doesn’t work, you can choose another way.” With this advice, I started working hard and finally I was able to like learning the Japanese language and enjoyed studying it. When our Japanese language course was about to finish, I thought of changing university, but I was always comfortable here so I started looking around and tried to know about the courses and the environment of university and I felt this university would be perfect for me to continue as there were students from different countries and it will allowed me to learn different cultures and languages. The teachers and the staff were very kind and willing to help every time—not only teachers but the Japanese students were so kind and they never made us feel that we are outsiders. As a student, we always think that life should be fun and for that we need to be in big cities, but I think you will get lost in big cities with its tempting lavish life and can never focus on you purpose or reason what you came for. Chinzei Gakuin University has given me some unforgettable experiences. I think choosing Chinzei Gakuin University was one of my best decision of my life. In this university there are so many things that you can learn and share even the Peace Chapel which was very new for me, was very interesting and listening to new things every week was always a good experience. When everyone was shocked by coronavirus and were having problems, university teachers and staff helped the foreign students in every possible way to make students feel loved more towards this university. Whenever I feel low and miss my family, I always prefer to be in the student lounge where there was and will be always one of your Japanese friends with whom in your broken Japanese language, you can share your thoughts and problems. I have been able to spend three and a half years at this university and will graduate after one year. I will always remember being here and running from one corner of campus to another to change classes. Those who are willing to join this university or already have joined, I want you all to be around students from different countries as it will give you so many things to learn and motivate you when you feel low. Apart from my room, I always want to be at Nagasaki Wesleyan University or Chinzei Gakuin University.

Japan is the land of the rising sun. When we think of Japan we think only of the atomic bomb blast but Japan has a unique culture and history. Today’s world has changed and Japan is the fastest growing country in the world. When I think about the pursuit of furthering my education in Japan, I chose Nagasaki because Nagasaki faced many difficulties in the past but this city still survives and Nagasaki is the first city to welcome foreigners in Japan and I chose Nagasaki Wesleyan University because Wesleyan University sounds different than the other Japanese universities. When I researched about Nagasaki Wesleyan University, I found many students around the globe who have come to continue their studies here, so it sounded interesting. For this reason, I chose Nagasaki Wesleyan University (which is now Chinzei Gakuin University / 鎮西学院大学).

When I chose the University, professors and dreams are one of the most important points. Professors at Nagasaki Wesleyan University (NWU) are very friendly, so we can talk about something with relaxation time. It is necessary to have a better school life. Also, it becomes the key to make my dream come true. Dreams are one of the potentials that influence how we study, act, or take on challenges. I want to be an English teacher, so I had to find a University that can help me become a teacher. Then, I felt NWU is much for me. After entering the University, I need to try lots of things more than others. When I have some problems, professors always help me from many points of views. It’s a reason why I think professors are important to make my dream come true. Professors and dreams were my key points to choose the University. NWU gave me all points, so I chose here.

When I came first I joined Nagasaki Wesleyan University as a Japanese language student I did not know how great was this university, how this university supports its students for being able to fight in a completely new environment which was different from my home country Nepal. That is why I moved to a different place for further study. But I regretted leaving this university because the other school that I went was not able to understand the feeling of the foreign student who was searching a new road in Japanese city for pursuing her dream. So as soon as I finished my diploma in that school I once again returned in this university for my undergraduate program in foreign language faculty.

I chose this university because of the small number of people and the cozy atmosphere.

I was able to come to Nagasaki Wesleyan University with the help of my Japanese language teacher when I was in Japanese language school.

Actually I didn’t have any idea about Nagasaki Wesleyan University before I came here. I just had plan to come to Japan and I went to the consultancy to apply for Japan. I took the interview for Nagasaki Wesleyan University by a language school consultancy staff who is working for this university who is Nepalese. After being selected, I ask questions to the language school staff who took my interview and I also researched by myself about this university. The good things I found about this university are, we can move on anywhere in Japan to continue our studies after completing a 1-year language program. Other schools have 2-year programs but this university has only 1 year which helps expedite our education.


The teachers in Chinzei High School recommended me Nagasaki Wesleyan University because there are many great teachers and students will be able to learn a variety of things which are different from other universities. So I decided to go on to the next stage of education here. Also, I wanted to challenge a lot of things as a member of at Nagasaki Wesleyan University.