
Student Voices from the Department of Foreign Languages (Part 2)

  • 2021.08.2
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科

Students in the Department of Foreign Language’s Community Service Learning (CSL) program were asked to share their thoughts about the university. The second question presented to the students is:
“What is your favorite place on campus?”

Student responses are as follows:

My favorite place is the library. It’s quiet and I can concentrate on my studies. And, great for relaxing and sleeping.
(M.T. さん)

My favorite place library 📚
(K.D. さん)

My favorite place on campus is the open front of the main office or the “white house”. It’s not actually the “white house” but we call this building it. Not only do I socialize with my friends there, but when we have free time we gather and share our thoughts and problems. There’s also a lobby where we rest and have our great time on campus. We don’t have time to gather outside of college so we enjoy being on campus all the time.
(K.B. さん)

My favorite place is the school yard where there are many beautiful cherry blossom trees.
(D.K. さん)

(R.R. さん)


I think choosing Chinzei Gakuin University was one of my best decision of my life. There are so many things that you can learn and share even the Peace Chapel which was very new for me was very interesting and listening to new things every week was always good. When everyone was shocked by coronavirus and was having problems, university teachers and staff helped foreign students in every possible way. This made me feel love more towards this university. Whenever I feel low and miss my family I always prefer to be in lounge where there was and will be always one of your Japanese friends with whom with you can practice broken Japanese and can share your thoughts and problems. I have been able to spend three and half years at this university and am going to graduate after one year. I will always remember being here and running from one corner of campus to another to change classes. Those who are willing to join this university or have already joined, I want you all to be around people or students from different countries as it will give you so many things to learn and it motivates you when you feel low. Apart from my room I always want to be in Nagasaki Wesleyan University or Chinzei Gakuin University.
(R.T. さん)


On-campus my favorite places are the library because in the library (図書館). There are lots of different books so we can choose any book which we want to read.
(R.P. さん)

My favorite place on campus is the lounge. I spent a long time with my friends in the lounge. We often chat about something, eat ice cream, and have some events. They are usual days, but also precious days. Also, I like the scenery from the student lounge because I can feel all seasons. Spring has pretty cherry blossoms, summer has a blue sky and beautiful sunset, autumn has red and yellow leaves, and winter has colorful illuminations. All of the views fill my heart with warmth.
(A.H. さん)

My favourite place on campus is the open courtyard where I can see many students from different nation interacting with each other. This is the only place in the whole university where I can find myself free and feel comfortable.
(A.H. さん)

I can’t decide which place I like but I feel that this university is designed to make us feel calm and relaxed. Also, we will not be bothered by noise. I think this is an advantage that other universities do not have. In other words, this university is a place where we can settle down everywhere.
(H.N. さん)

My favorite place on campus is the Peace Chapel.
(P.T. さん)

My favorite place on campus is cafeteria. The reason why is I can communicate with my friends and foreign people there. By communicating with them, I can understand each national character and be interested in other countries.
(A.I. さん)