
シリーズ:英語能力検定対策 第2回 なぜ英語を勉強するのか

  • 2021.12.1
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科

English study series part 2: Thoughts on Why to Study English

Why study English? There are multiple reasons that vary according to the individual needs of the learner and the ultimate purpose of learning the language whether for employment or leisure. To not generalize foreign language learning with only English language study, I believe that learning a foreign language(s) is an obligation for all modern society members for countering bigotry and for gaining perspective on one’s one mother language. I believe the following six reasons summarizes why it is important to study English:

1. Knowledge and Perspective
2. Information Access
3. Opportunity
4. Convenience
5. Compulsory
6. Intrinsically Valuable

I would like to explain these each in more detail…

Why study English?

Knowledge and Perspective… Knowledge of a foreign language provides perspective on one’s mother language. World renowned stenographer George Steiner was famous for his statement “You can see with one eye, but two eyes give you perspective.” Likewise, speech and language reflect thought and although one may communicate in the language of one’s mother language, knowledge of other languages provide perspective and allows one to communicate and reason more objectively.
Information Access… Language is an important tool for teaching cross-cultural understanding. Cross-cultural knowledge is the direction education is going. Knowledge is necessary to preserve membership in the global community. English is the language for research, business, science, and academia. ASCII text is based on the English language alphabet; therefore, English is the language of computers and the common language of processing most electronic information. In order to access this information, knowledge of the English language is important. English is recognized as an international language. English is an important tool to have access to the global community. Knowledge of English will enable one to be understood in most industrialized nations and in the international business world. Cross-cultural knowledge helps break down cultural barriers. Stereotypes and discrimination are results of lack of knowledge. Uneducated, uninformed individuals are those who promote such discrimination. Cross-cultural awareness and knowledge are important goals for education. Building on the concepts of proper educations helps one understand themselves and the environment around them and for understanding global variations in education. Education can serve to break down cultural barriers and stereotypes while helping one understand the diversity that exists in the world.
Opportunity… Specifically, employment opportunities are enhanced by having a working knowledge of the English language. English is the language of the international business world.
Convenience… Travel most anywhere in the world and English is the medium of communication for internationals everywhere.
Compulsory… Forced to learn—this might be a dominant reason for many students attending English classes… I hope that students of English can find reason to study even if it is merely for the intrinsic value.
Intrinsically Valuable… This is an academic way of saying “it is good because it is of value”.

Of course, there are other reasons to study English and such reasons highly depend upon the individual. The above thoughts reflect my opinion and are only intended for reference. No matter “why” one chooses to study English, I believe that it is important to internalize and to “own” the reason for one’s studies in order to improve and maintain interest. Embrace the challenge and enjoy!