
Embrace Your Journey: A Message to Recent Graduates

  • 2024.03.25
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科

Dear Graduates,

Congratulations on reaching this milestone! As you step into the vast world beyond the classroom, remember that success comes in many forms. Whether you choose to join the workforce, start a family, pursue further studies, or embark on a journey of skill development, know that every path is valid and holds its own value. Embrace the journey ahead with open arms, for it is through our experiences that we grow and learn the most.

No matter what path you choose, give it your all. Work diligently, cherish your loved ones, thirst for knowledge, and challenge yourself to acquire new skills. Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to your personal and professional growth. So, hold onto your dreams tightly, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and never forget that the journey is just as important as the destination. Your future is bright, and the possibilities are endless.

Wishing you all the best on your journey ahead!

Warm regards,

Department of International Studies