
English Study Series Part 1: “Meet the Verb” (Introduction to Verbs)

  • 2024.04.2
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科


Welcome to the world of English grammar! This is the first part in a new bi-weekly series created by the Department of International Studies to help support English language study at CGU. Throughout this series, a different grammar point will be introduced with sample sentences. Today, let’s embark on an exciting journey to discover the power of verbs. Verbs are the backbone of sentences, driving the action forward with their mighty force. Picture them as the engines propelling your sentences across the page.

Consider this:

  • She runs every morning before breakfast.
  • They laughed at the joke until tears streamed down their faces.

In these examples, “runs” and “laughed” are the verbs, showing action. But verbs can also reveal states of being, like “is” and “are.” Think of them as the glue holding the sentence together, indicating what’s happening or existing. So next time you’re constructing a sentence, remember to recruit a trusty verb to lead the charge!