
English Study Series Part 4: “Conquering Pronouns” (Introduction to Pronouns)

  • 2024.05.22
  • 多文化コミュニケーション学科


Now that we’ve mastered the art of adding flavor to our sentences with adjectives, let’s talk about pronouns, the superheroes of efficiency in language! Pronouns are like magic wands that help us avoid repeating the same nouns over and over again. They’re the ultimate time-savers! Check out these examples:

  • Sarah went to the store, and she bought some milk.
  • Tom loves pizza, but he prefers pasta.

See how “she” and “he” take the place of “Sarah” and “Tom”? That’s the power of pronouns! With the LGBTQ+ movement, some people may become triggered by the perceived misuse of pronouns. In academic and formal contexts, the general use of “he” and “she” traditionally aligns with gender norms and conventions. While language evolves over time to be more inclusive and respectful of diverse identities, academic writing often adheres to established grammatical conventions for clarity and consistency.

However, it’s important to recognize and respect the preferences of individuals regarding their pronouns. With the LGBTQ+ movement advocating for greater recognition and acceptance of diverse gender identities, many people may prefer pronouns such as “they/them” or neopronouns like “ze/zir” as well as Mx. replacing Mr. and Ms. for titles. 

In academic settings, it’s essential to create an inclusive environment where individuals feel respected and valued. This may involve allowing students and faculty to specify their preferred pronouns and encouraging others to use them accordingly. Additionally, educators can foster discussions about gender identity and language usage to promote understanding and sensitivity among students.

While the general use of “he” and “she” may remain prevalent in academic writing, it’s crucial to be mindful of individual preferences and to strive for inclusivity and respect in all communication. By acknowledging and accommodating diverse pronoun usage, academic institutions can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all members of their community.

Always remember, pronouns make our sentences smoother and less repetitive. So, next time you’re writing or speaking, call in the pronoun superheroes to save the day!