
【交換留学レポート】“Is It FUN to STUDY ABROAD?”『留学って楽しい?』Tennessee Wesleyan University

  • 2024.04.5
  • 体験レポート


多文化コミュニケーション学科 4年 川原 駿

It has been 10 months since I returned to Nagasaki Wesleyan University (NWU) from Tennessee Wesleyan University (TWU) where I studied abroad. Now I decided to write my study-abroad report because many freshman and sophomore students have asked me, “Was it fun to study abroad? I actually would love to go!” I would like to answer this question here.

To be honest, there were fun times, but other days were hard.

One day I went to a professor who took care of me and said, “I can’t continue to study abroad anymore. I have to go home.” Although I had three months more before I could finish the program, I packed all my stuff into my suitcase and searched “flights to Nagasaki tomorrow” on my phone.

I, of course, know that there are many Japanese people who happily live overseas, but I was not able to fit into a different culture.

I wish I could have talked more with my friends when I had trouble with cultural differences, but I had worked so hard on studying that I didn’t have energy left. It was challenging for me that I could not be patient and was not able to talk with local friends of mine. Despite having such a difficult time, I was afraid to give up and leave TWU because I did not want to waste the time that I had worked hard, but I was also afraid to continue to study there.

I talked online with a counselor at NWU and recovered a little, but I was still afraid. I slept, woke up, and cried all through the sudden six days off, which happened by coincidence because of the professors’ other duties at that time. I went to see those people whom I considered my American parents and felt better, but I cried as soon as I left their home. I had such a hard time.

To be honest, it was not fun but was an incredible experience to learn about Special Education in the U.S. I was told, “You’ll be strong.” Now I think maybe I did become stronger. It’s probably true that I could get the strength to show my weaknesses to others since I had no other way.

I’ve heard stories from older students who have studied abroad and thought that probably there are no study-abroad experiences where everything goes well. There are ups and downs in daily life even in the homeland. The same is true for when you go abroad. The only difference is that you feel good and bad feelings more strongly just because you are abroad.

From this experience, I learned an important lesson: There is always someone who loves, listens to, supports, and helps me when I need it.

I received kindness, especially from those people whom I mentioned in the last study-abroad report: two support families of mine that are the Humbert family, Dr. Ruleman and her husband, and Dr. Ging, a Professor of Special Education.

Dr. Elizabeth Ruleman and her husband Dr. William Ruleman allowed me to stay at their house for the first two weeks during the Christmas break while students could not stay at the dormitory for the Christmas break. One day I went to Dr. Elizabeth Ruleman’s office and said, “I would like to go home.” while I was crying, then she listened to me and recommended I reach out to a counselor.

The Humbert family also allowed me to stay at their house for the last three weeks as well as Dr. Ruleman and her husband. The father, Todd picked me up at the airport and took me to the university when I arrived there, and he took me to the airport when I left. I regret a little that I asked him to take me to the airport because it was hard to say goodbye to him. I had wanted to leave there, but I became sad when I finally had to say goodbye to him.

Dr. Patricia Ging is the professor I am the most grateful. She was my advisor who understood me when my studying was not going well because of stress.

Not only Dr. Ging but also Dr. Beau Whitsett and Ms. Tracy Franklin considered my language background, and they sometimes gave me extra time for my assignments and took time to discuss my assignments with me.

I also had thoughtful classmates such as Paul, Riley, Leah, Ella, Emma, and some others to help me when I needed a lot of time to think in English during group work.

Because of those professors and classmates’ support, I attained a GPA of 4.00 out of 4.00.

Other than those I have mentioned above, I had nice friends including Roni and Dakota. They always told me not to give up.

I had a lot of hard and painful times.  One day I was regretful thinking, “I should not have chosen to study abroad.” I know I could continue to study there because of the supportive people. I could finally say, “It was good to study abroad.” on the way back to Nagasaki. I am so grateful to these people who supported me that I still cry thinking about them. I cannot be too grateful.

〜Dear High School Students Who Hope to Study Abroad〜

You will be given a better environment to learn what you want to learn if you study abroad.

The environment will be provided, but learning requires your effort to acquire the knowledge and techniques that you want. With a strong will to learn, you will be able to think it was the right decision to study abroad when you complete your study-abroad program.


Although a good environment is given, there will be times you feel lonely and anxious when you study abroad. Remember that there is someone who loves, listens to, supports, and helps you when you need it. Everything will be all right.


Now you can attend our open campus and ask questions about our study-abroad programs. As soon as you enter NWU, you had better contact with a student who studied abroad where you would like to go. Then, you should focus on learning the language spoken in the country you would like to go to.


Wishin’ y’all success.



I appreciate Tennessee Wesleyan University faculty staff and professors who are involved with this exchange program including Dr. Tyler Forrest, the President, Dr. Ana Barrios, the study-abroad coordinator, Dr. Elizabeth Ruleman, the former study-abroad coordinator, Dr. Augustin Bocco, the Coordinator of International Student Services, Ms. Hayley Moser, International Admission Counselor.

I also appreciate Nagasaki Wesleyan faculty staff and professors who are involved with this exchange program including Mr. Lee Flake, a professor who was in charge of the exchange program with TWU, and Mr. Goh Nakao, the head of the International Student Committee.



多文化コミュニケーション学科 4年 川原 駿





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